Meet the demand for data with high bandwidth, point-to-point backhaul connectivity between network points of presence (PoPs).


Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) technology caters for the increasing need for high capacity backhaul and reliable performance.


Delivered over Telstra’s reliable and diverse optical fibre network, you can choose between bandwidth options of 1Gbit/s Ethernet, 10Gbit/s Ethernet, 100Gbit/s Ethernet, 400Gbit/s Ethernet, 10Gbit/s OTN, 100Gbit/s OTN, in capital city metro areas, along inter-capital routes and in selected major regional areas.

Core Restoration, is a new resiliency option for Wavelength Services. In the event of a fault or fibre cut, the ‘Core Restoration’ feature automatically re-routes your wavelength service to an available intercapital path in the core network.  It leverages the Layer Zero Control Plane Technology and can provide an added layer of resiliency to your network. 


The feature is available on new single access Wavelength service connections with bandwidths of 100Gbps or 400Gbps across 6 intercapital routes. It’s aimed at customers who want to reduce the risk of disruption from outages in the core network and reduce downtime if an outage occurs.



Wavelength Core Restoration offering you service continuity and peace of mind

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